Ing. Jaroslav BŘEZINA

Ing. Jaroslav BŘEZINA

Ostrava, Czech Republic, EU

Ing. Jaroslav Brezina is a graduate of the Faculty of Metallurgy (currently the Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering) VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, where he graduated in 1962. His professional career is mainly connected with the metallurgical and engineering company Vitkovice Steel Ostrava (currently VÍTKOVICE Inc. and Vitkovice Steel Inc.), where he had been employed from 1961 until 1997. There, he had started in the steel works I, having worked by degrees from the technical operating functions up to the Head of the tandem furnaces, and in 1981 became a member of Metallurgy and Technology Inspection in the works division as a chief metallurgist.

In 1997 he became a head of detached workplace Ostrava association Hutnictví železa Inc. Prague, which dealt with marketing and statistics in the steel industry in the Czech Republic. In frame of this function, he has been a member of the team dealing with the program for restructuring of the steel industry in the CR in the years 1998 - 2003 and cooperated closely in this field with foreign consulting companies and the Ministry of Industry and Trade. In Hutnictví železa Inc., he has worked until 2003, until his retirement.

His professional and publications activities were focused on ferrous metallurgy section, ecology, waste treatment of steel production, and later also in the area of ​​restructuring, marketing, sales and statistics in the field of metallurgy. He is author or co-author of 40 citations of articles in professional journals, a processor of at least 10 scientific studies and has lectured at professional conferences abroad (England, Poland, Russia, Slovakia).

He currently works as a consultant, adviser and an opponent of projects on science and research programs of the Ministry of Trade and Industry and as an opponent of European Operational Programmes on Enterprise and Innovation with Ministry of Industry and Trade and CzechInvest.

He has been a long-time member of the program committee of international scientific conference METAL (since 1998).
